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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Better Website ROI - How to Catapult Your Website ROI Into Orbit With Organic SEO

If you wish to increase your website ROI (return on investment) It is about time that you start to consider organic SEO seriously because it works! Organic SEO is not an ''automatic type'' of website optimization but it can be implemented by anyone having the right amount of motivation and knowledge. Best of all organic SEO can replace expensive PPC campaign that cost your business a huge amount of money.

What you need to do is to develop your website in strict conformance to the algorithms used by search engines to get a good search engine ranking. Because your website is included to the main search engines through non-paid inclusion routes, it means that you don’t pay the search engine themselves for getting your website placed.

Organic SEO techniques are the best method to reach your customer and many website owners would prefer not to have PPC advertising campaigns simply because they are not giving them a good ROI due to the high bid wars.

Statistics show that people favour websites that rank highly in the natural listings over those in the pay per click listings. Organic SEO outclass paid listing by a 3/1 ratio. 96% are viewing these results, while only 33% of sponsored results on the right of the page result in visits.

Getting decent search engine result via organic SEO will provide your website the best ROI on every dollar spent in web marketing. The main downside is that most businesses are not making proper use of organic SEO methods.

More than eighty percent of online dollars are being spent on paid placement and only about eleven percent is spent on organic SEO. To further illustrate how inadequate is the use of proper organic SEO, more than sixty percent of customers believe that natural listings are more to the point.

Though organic SEO is underutilized, you would be better off spending more time, effort as well as money in improving your organic search results as it will pay you back huge dividends and catapult you ROI where no man has gone before!


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