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Sunday, June 17, 2007

Billable Rights of SEOs and Their Clients

1. The SEO has a right to receive payment from the client for entire amount contracted. A contract is a contract is a contract. Don't try to weasel out of it.

2. The SEO has a right not to have to justify to the client payment due in terms of actual time spent on account unless payment is based on an hourly fee. Package priced contract fees are due regardless of time spent provided work outlined in the contract is performed.

3. The SEO has a right not to put the client's account on "hold" when requested. A contract is still a contract regardless of your financial situation, business restructuring, etc.

4. The SEO has a right to charge the client for services that fall outside the scope of the contract. If additional work is requested, expect to pay for it.

5. The SEO has a right to collect payment from the client on-time. Seriously, it's your job to make sure payments are submitted and received no later than the payment due date.

6. The SEO has a right to charge the client a late payment fee.

7. The SEO has a right to suspend the client's account if payment is not received in a timely manner. If you're not paying, don't expect work to continue until you're paid up.

8. The SEO has a right to undo all work performed for the client due to non-payment. If the SEO fulfills the contract but you're not paying, you're stealing time and money from the SEO you hired.

9. The SEO has a right to seek legal remedies for force payment from the client for services rendered. Still not paying? The courts will work it out.

10. The SEO has a right to cancel services and refund the client's money at any time. Don't be a problem client and you won't have to worry about getting fired by your SEO.

Billable Rights of the SEO Client

1. The client has a right to expect the SEO to fulfill contract in full. If you don't have time to work on the account, refund my money so I can hire someone who does.

2. The client has a right to know what will be done to his site by the SEO. Don't give me any nonsense about "proprietary strategies. You're messing with my site, I want to know what you're doing.

3. The client has a right to know the SEO tactics to be implemented externally. I'm paying you so tell me what you're doing for me.

4. The client has a right not to have their site penalized or thrown out of the search engines due to SEO tactics.

5. The client has a right to question SEO results and value of the work performed. If I don't see results I'll be asking you why. Maybe I just need you to show me how to see the results.

6. The client has a right to consult other SEO experts about the value of the work performed.

7. The client has a right to buy out of the SEO contract at any time. If I don't want your services anymore, let me pay for the full contract so I can move on.

8. The client has a right to maintain ownership of all work performed by the SEO. I'm not paying per click, so anything you do with my money is mine to keep.

9. The client has a right to expect SEO work performed to increase traffic and sales/conversions. If I'm not seeing more sales then I'm not getting my money's worth.

10. The client has a right to not have site hijacked, mutilated or destroyed by SEO. I expect quality work for my money.


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The Advantages of SEO Training

It is estimated that at least 340 million people use search engines to find products and services every day. That's a lot of people. The top search engines use link popularity to decide which sights come up first when you do a search. Wouldn't it be nice if your website came up at the top of the list? It is a possibility with search engine optimization, or SEO. With the right SEO training, you can be on your way to a more successful business and much higher web traffic.

Before you start SEO training, you should first understand what SEO is. SEO basically means optimizing the results of a persons search on the web to lead to your website. When someone does a search, say on, they type in a keyword and start the search. The search results then list several websites that fit the category of the search. The top websites are always listed first. Hence, the person doing the search is more likely to use the websites listed first. With the proper SEO training, you can learn how to make your website be listed at the top of the search engine lists.

SEO training can be provided through many different means. A great deal of people receive their SEO training at special seminars. These seminars can last several days and vary in price. Some are as low as $300 and some are as high as $1500. These seminars usually have limited seating available so sign up as soon as you can. There is also SEO training courses offered online with downloadable SEO training material. Most online SEO Training courses are self paced, so you can learn it at your own pace for a set price. There are even some free courses offered online as well.

Most of these courses teach the basics of SEO. This includes: learning how to use link popularity, keyword usage, and marketing techniques that can work best with SEO. Some courses even teach you how to start your very own SEO business, which has become quite popular in the recent years. Many of these SEO training courses offer certification in SEO so that you may officially start an SEO business.

All SEO training courses guarantee that with completion of the course, you will have a dramatic increase in your website traffic. Some say as much as a 500% increase. For business owners, this means a lot more money. If you are interested in SEO training, get on a search engine and see what results you get. The top websites listed are sure to be the ones that used search engine optimization. If it works for them, maybe you should give it a try.


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